What are they and how do we use them

What are Cookies?

A Cookie is a small text file based on that indicated by a visited website that allows the user to be identified on the site. Cookies are used to keep information about the status of the different pages of a website from switching to or returning to the website at a later time.

Which cookies do we use?

Il nostro sito internet utilizza cookie della categoria essenziali.

Essential cookies are cookies that are necessary for the website to function properly.

cookielawinfo-checkbox-necessarypersistent11 monthsThis cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. This cookie is used to store user consent for cookies in the "Necessary" category.
CookieLawInfoConsentpersistent1 yearRecords the status of the default button of the corresponding category and the status of the CCPA. It only works in coordination with the main cookie.
store_notice[notice id]sessionsessionAllows customers to ignore the shop notice.
viewed_cookie_policypersistent11 monthsThe cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not the user has consented to the use of cookies. It does not store any personal data.
woocommerce_cart_hashsessionsessionHelp WooCommerce determine when cart content / data changes.
woocommerce_items_in_cartsessionsessionHelp WooCommerce determine when cart content / data changes.
wordpres_test_cookiesessionsessionCheck if the cookie can be set. WordPress also sets the wordpress_test_cookie cookie to check if cookies are enabled on the browser to provide an appropriate user experience to users. This cookie is used on the front-end, even if you are not logged in.
wordpress_logged_in_{hash}sessionsessionRemember user session. WordPress sets the wordpress_logged_in_ {hash} cookie after login, which indicates when you are logged in and who you are, for most of the use of the interface.
wp_woocommerce_session_persistent2 daysContains a unique code for each customer so that they know where to find the cart data in the database for each customer.
wp-postpass_{hash}persistent10 daysUsed to maintain session if a post is password protected
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