A unique experience in a unique place

main partners

SPRINT distance

The “SPRINT” distance is designed to meet the needs of a large number of athletes, even with very different characteristics.

On the one hand we have those who have little experience with the world of open water and want to try to get involved without exaggerating and remaining in total safety.

On the other hand, however, there is the athlete prepared but who prefers short distances, the "sprinter", the one who gives everything immediately without the need to measure up to get to the finish line.

Qualunque tipo di atleta tu sia, la “SPRINT” ti garantirà una totale soddisfazione una volta giunto all’arrivo.

This is nothing more than the springboard to a world, that of open water, which overwhelms anyone who tries it.


The “SPRINT” has a course made up of 4 buoys, all shared with a good part of the long course.
At the start, the athletes will swim passing through the "gate", that is the space between the 2 buoys side by side which is located a few tens of meters from the beach. From there they will head towards the west coast and all the next 2 buoys will be on your right. The route will end by going through the gate again and finally passing the finish line towards the beach.


Parco di Crone,  Via Lungo Lago Vittoria – Idro (BS)
Date: Sunday 21 July 2024
Path length: about 926mt
Start time: 10:00

Path description: 
1st buoy on the left (through the gate);
2nd buoy on the right;
3rd buoy on the right;
4th buoy to the left (through the gate) and ARRIVAL!


During registration for the event, valid medical certificates will also be requested, in addition to personal data.
Click here for download the release form signed by the parents, which must be sent in the case of a minor athlete.
All specific information can be found in RULES.
Note: For groups, we remind you that the certificates must be uploaded to the site in a single file in zip format, or in a single PDF file.
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